

of sore throats and clumsiness

I woke up with a sore throat this morning.

And I weighed in at 119.4 lbs.

It's so frustrating. I held onto 118.6 lbs for a long time. I thought I was going to keep going down.

Also on my tale of woes, I fell on some ice a couple weeks ago. In front of my boss and his entire family. So that was fun. I landed hard on my left hip and it hurt like a mother for almost a week. Well, that pain is gone now, but lately my right hip has been pinching sometimes. Like it's pinching a nerve. And most of the time it's just an obnoxious kind of weird ache, but sometimes it's a sharp stabbing thing that makes me gasp. Two nights ago I had to stop my workout because it hurt so badly. Which was really frustrating and panic inducing because I really need to be able to workout. Last night it was fine. I did the treadmill for 70 minutes and it ached a little, but no pinching. I don't know. I can't tell if it's something that will eventually go away on its own? Or if I'm going to make it a lot worse by not doing anything.

I also don't really want to go see my doctor. She hasn't seen me since I was fat, and obviously me losing 23 pounds is something she's going to notice. And part of me wants to wait to see her until I've hit my goal weight. To be really shocking, I guess. But another part of me doesn't want to see her at all.

I swear, sometimes I am so conflicted I don't know how I am ONE person.

Sorry this is so rambly. I'm feeling really anxious today and work has been really stressful. And I should be working right now, but I'm not because I'm so anxious about all the work I'm not doing.

I've started using to track my calories. It's a little annoying because they don't let you set your goal for under 1200 calories. But at the same time it's kind of nice to see how far away I can stay from that number. I've been staying right around 700-800 for the most part.

I love it when I reach the end of the day and the nutrient bar says "Too Low."

Also, the first day of spring was yesterday. We welcomed "spring" with 6 inches of snow and a temperature of 3 degrees.

Oh well. I guess it just gives me more time to get skinny before shorts and tank tops and swimsuits, right?

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